If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you know that the topics we usually cover concern specific matters directly related to grieving your Nassau County property tax assessment. Our overarching aim is to equip you with the information you need to understand the way the property tax grievance process works in Nassau County so that you can take the right steps to maximize your property tax savings.
In this article, we’ll depart from that subject matter a bit in order to discuss the special blend of qualities shared by excellent property tax reduction specialists such as those who work at Maidenbaum.
Diligence – the “constant and earnest effort to accomplish what is undertaken” is a characteristic shared by excellent property tax reduction specialists. Diligence – especially when evaluating many small but cumulatively significant pieces of data associated with your property – is necessary because Nassau County uses dozens of data points to compute your property tax liability, each of which needs to be closely scrutinized to ensure that it reflects your property accurately.
Property tax reduction specialists often interact directly with Nassau County. Patience is required when dealing with County officials and the time constraints instituted by the County’s various deadlines.
Property tax reduction specialists’ focus should never stray from the fact that property tax bills can constitute a substantial portion of a homeowner’s yearly expenditures. Every grievance matters, and excellent property tax reduction specialists are trained to treat each grievance with as much careful attention as if it was his/her own.
As noted earlier, property tax reduction specialists may interact with County officials when processing grievances and addressing questions related to them. Courtesy and friendliness are consistently employed to ensure that these interactions are productive. The same principle applies to all interactions with individual clients.
Locally Focused.
The specific regulations governing property tax matters differ markedly in Nassau County from those governing other regions of New York State. Familiarity with these local regulations helps a property tax reduction specialist expeditiously navigate each tax matter so that it results in the greatest tax saving for each individual client.
In the Know.
Important matters affecting one’s grievances, including deadlines, can change unexpectedly, and excellent property tax reduction specialists are always “in the loop” when it comes to these matters and ready to update their clients when these changes are materially significant to their tax matter.
Experience counts, and property tax reduction specialists who’ve processed thousands of successful grievances can do so more efficiently and effectively than those just starting out. (Maidenbaum has been doing this work for 30 years.)
An excellent property tax specialist who knows that a grievance has merit will not give up, even if it means taking the matter to a SCAR (Small Claims Assessment Review) hearing. Not every representative has the resources to go to SCAR on all their cases.
Determinations about the fair market value (FMV) of one’s Nassau County property are made using computerized mass assessment techniques. An excellent property tax reduction specialist will thoroughly understand these contemporary methods, along with the data used to generate FMV, in order to efficiently advocate on behalf of each client.
Long-Term Focus.
Whether a particular client has a winning or losing grievance in any particular year, an excellent property tax reduction specialist will seek to cultivate long-term relationships with clients, and fight for their cause over the long-term. Filing a grievance every year pays off.
At Maidenbaum, each and every one of our property tax reduction specialists shares the characteristics listed above. We sincerely believe this sets us apart from any competitors vying for your business, and hope that you will give us an opportunity to help you minimize your Nassau County property tax liabilities and maximize your savings. Click here to get started.