Nassau County Property Tax Exemptions: Don’t Miss The Fast-Approaching Deadline

If you are a residential property owner, in addition to the Basic STAR exemption, for which you can register with New York State, Nassau County provides a number of important exemptions you can use to reduce your property tax liability. To take advantage of them:

  1. You must be a member of a class of people for whom these exemptions were designed, for example, a senior citizen, veteran, volunteer firefighter/ambulance worker, or a person with limited income and/or disabilities; AND
  2. You must file forms, supplemented by any required supporting documentation, proving that you qualify for whichever exemption you believe you are eligible, and you must file these documents by January 4, 2021.

Exemptions for Senior Citizens

Senior citizens in Nassau County may qualify for two different programs: the Enhanced STAR (School Tax Assessment Relief) program, and the Senior Citizens Property Tax Exemption, both of which grant a partial exemption from School taxes.

Enhanced STAR

If you’re a senior who will turn 65 or older this year and who resides in the home you own, and your annual 2019 income was less than $90,550, you are eligible for Enhanced STAR. If you’ve never participated in this program, but currently have the Basic STAR exemption and want to enroll, you must complete and file the Enhanced STAR Application – along with any required documentation and forms – with the Nassau County Department of Assessment, on or before January 4, 2021.

If you currently receive the Basic STAR credit check, and you file a NYS tax return, you do not need to do anything further to receive the Enhanced STAR credit check.  If you qualify, the upgrade will be automatic.  If you do not file a tax return, you will receive a request to submit an income verification form when you reach the age of eligibility.

If you do not currently have the Basic STAR exemption, you will need to register with New York State directly to be eligible for either the Basic STAR credit or the Enhanced STAR credit check.

Senior Citizens Property Tax Exemption

A further reduction in School Taxes – up to 50 percent – is available if you’re a senior whose annual 2019 income was less than $37,399 through the Senior Citizens Property Tax Exemption program. To enroll in this program, you must complete Form RPTL 467, and file it – along with any required documentation – with the Nassau County Department of Assessment by the January 4, 2021 deadline.

Please take note that seniors who qualify for the Senior Citizens Exemption are not automatically granted enrollment in the Enhanced STAR Exemption. You must separately apply for the Senior Citizens Exemption and the Enhanced STAR Exemption.

The deadline of January 4, 2021 is looming, so resist the temptation to delay and begin gathering the documents you need soon. If you have additional questions regarding these programs, you can call the Nassau County Department of Assessment at (516) 571‐1500.

Exemptions for Veterans, Volunteer Firefighters, and Ambulance Workers

If you’re a veteran residing in Nassau County who received an honorable discharge from service, you may be eligible for a real property tax exemption that may also cover your surviving un-remarried spouses, dependent parents and dependent children. This exemption may result in a reduction of the County, Town, Village and Highway components of your property tax bills of up to 15 percent, with an additional 10 percent reduction for service in a combat area or for receiving an Expeditionary Medal. In terms of School tax, exemptions will only be honored in districts that have opted to offer this reduction. For more information on Veterans’ exemptions and links to applicable forms, go to:

If you’re a Nassau County Volunteer Firefighter or Ambulance Worker, you can take advantage of a Real Property Tax Exemption, provided you have volunteered for at least five years. This exemption equals 10 percent of the assessed value of your property for General tax purposes and may also apply to School taxes, provided that your local school district allows it. To apply for this exemption, you must complete and file Form NYS  RPT 466c, with the Nassau County Department of Assessment by January 4, 2021.

Additional Exemptions for Which You May Be Eligible

If you’re a Nassau County resident suffering from a disability with a 2019 annual income of less than $37,399, you may be eligible for an additional property tax exemption. To apply, you must complete and file Form NYS RPTL 459c – along with any required documentation – with the Nassau County Department of Assessment prior to the January 4, 2021 deadline.

Savings Beyond Exemptions

If you’re interested in doing as much as you can to reduce your property tax bill, please contact us by phone at 516-336-8622 or via this web site. We’re the property tax pros in Nassau County, and we’ll do our very best to make sure you never pay more than your fair share.

Remember, Maidenbaum will only charge you for the savings that we achieve and will not take credit for any property tax exemptions (including the reassessment phase-in)– such as the Basic or Enhanced STAR, Senior or Veteran’s exemptions – which you may have filed on your own.

Authorize Maidenbaum to grieve your 2022/23 Nassau County property tax assessment today.