Where to Donate
You can support these verified charities with direct donations.
Magen David Adom – https://afmda.org/
Disaster relief, ambulance, and blood services.
United Hatzalah – https://israelrescue.org/
Using specially equipped motorcycle ambulances, United Hatzalah’s network of more than 6,500 volunteer medics help save thousands of lives each year across Israel.
Jewish Agency For Israel – https://www.jewishagency.org/
The Jewish Agency’s Fund for Victims of Terror provides immediate, critical financial aid to victims and their families.
FIDF – https://www.fidf.org/
Contributions will go to meet IDF soldiers’ emergency needs.
UJA Israel Emergency Fund – https://www.ujafedny.org/israel-emergency-fund
Emergency cash assistance for victims of terror. Critically needed trauma counseling. Care for children in shelters. Supplies for hospitals and first responders. Funds to relocate people to safer areas.