Some months ago, Maidenbaum published 5 Common Misconceptions about Nassau County Tax Grievances, an article seeking to dispel some common myths associated with the property tax grievance process in Nassau County. Among these several misconceptions were the ideas that filing a property tax grievance could:
- Backfire on the homeowner, resulting in a property tax valuation.
- Prompt a personal visit from a Nassau County Field Assessor.
- Necessitate an in-person appearance at a formal hearing.
None of these misconceptions are based in reality. In this follow-up article, we’ll delve into some additional misconceptions regarding the process of grieving one’s property taxes in Nassau County.
Misconception 1: If I disagree with the County’s assessment, there’s nothing I can do about it.
The County’s recent reassessment has changed many things, but your right to grieve remains completely intact. So, if you’ve discovered an error in your property’s description, or believe that your tentative assessment is too high, an “Application for Correction of Assessment” may be filed with the Nassau County Assessment Review Commission by you or your representative. While the deadline for filing for the 2020/21 tax roll has already passed, Applications for Corrections of Assessment for the 2021/22 tax roll may be filed between January 2, 2020 and March 2, 2020. Filing can be done in-person, by mail, or via Nassau County’s Assessment Review on the Web (AROW) internet portal.
Misconception 2: Filing a Pro-Se Tax Grievance is easy, and my results will be as good as the professionals.
While Nassau County’s new suite of web-based tools allow homeowners to file “pro se” tax grievances, there are many advantages to using a professional company that concentrates in property tax grievances.
Statistics tell the tale: for the 2019/20 tax year, the percentage of pro-se tax grievances resulting in successful reductions were significantly below the success rates of those filed by Maidenbaum. Hiring an experienced company with know-how and a large, passionate, capable staff, significantly reduces the possibility that your grievance will be defective, incomplete or ineffective. If you’d like us to help you with your grievance, just fill out the authorization form on this website.
Misconception 3: The County’s determination of my home’s “Fair Market Value” is equivalent to what I could sell my home for today.
While the Department of Assessment’s system uses comparable sales and other known data to estimate what your home might be worth to a buyer, the real estate market in Nassau County is dynamic, and the County’s estimate might be off base. If, after reviewing the data on your property that’s now in AROW, you believe that the County’s estimate is too high, you should file a tax grievance. Even if the County’s estimate is close to what you believe your home is actually worth, you may receive a reduced assessment if the County’s Assessment Review Commission or the Court determines that the Department of Assessment has over-assessed your property.
*Bonus Misconception: Current October School Tax bills are based on the reassessment.
In October 2019, Nassau County residents began receiving their 1st half school tax bills issued by the County. While homeowners may assume these bills are related to the recent reassessment, they are in fact for the 2019/20 tax year, before the reassessment changed property valuations. School tax bills based on data from the 2020/21 reassessment will be sent out starting October 1, 2020.
We hope this article has equipped you with the knowledge you need to take meaningful steps to reduce your Nassau County property tax assessment. If you’d like further information about the grievance process, please review the relevant collection of articles written on that topic available on the Maidenbaum blog.